The w3schools has helped us a lot on the programming tutorials. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, AJAX, and many more things you can know on the w3schools website. You can say it is a heaven for newbie. The website has always been helpful to us and there is an
additional help from its
W3schools’ forum, unlike others has a quite unseemly URL; With that URL you may not think this is a forum but it is. However, the forum is quite a good place to start learning and sharing. The interface is like any other forums, but its usefulness is the main point here.
The registration is no pain. You will have a profile where you put your profile details. The profile view looks pretty much like a social networking website’s profile view. Then you can put in your signature which appears below your every post.
You might not find any topics exceeding the 100 posts except the ones on the important topic lists. In fact it is hard to find even the ones with 30 posts. It is probably because most of the topics are questions, so there is not much discussion after the ask er gets his answer. But it doesn’t mean there aren’t discussions, there are, and some looks like and war going on.
There are many professionals in this forum. You can get lots of useful helps from them and they are the life of any forums. Any questions or discussions you do they reply it in their ways which may be way to far for you.. Many times they are useful to us and sometime we feel, what he was telling? Discussing with the experienced guys, won’t be an easy task until you are one of them. The newbie may feel alone on this forum sometimes, though there are other newbie too but their interaction is lesser than the experienced ones.
If you are a newbie on programming and such other stuffs then first better join other similar minded forums than w3schools and only then join this forum.